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My Beloved
Heaven Has received your request this day. Your prayers with helpful guidance & strength are presently being set forth.
What good is a Man, if unable to do all the good he can? Realize the gifts given unto you, for you have been prepared through -n- through...
Sufficient is the Grace given unto thee, Under all circumstances; Your Faith has set you free...
Fight the good fight of faith with all your strength & might!!!
There is no room for Resentment, forgiving is better than holding on, Sing praises to the Lord with Hymns & Psalms...
Bring with you the lost sheep @least 1 or more, You will find your treasures by the earth's open shores...
You are loved like no other,
Kind & Gentle You Be, Heaven's trumpets blast your arrival throughout eternity...,
Feed & protect many you must for this is the Lord's command, Take Strength in the Holy Spirit; For in Him You will always stand!!!
Blessings to you in all that you do.
Keep your guard up High & rest assured, My eyes are upon you from afar in the sky...
Follow through & tarry on, for you are my Beloved One...
Holy is your life, full of struggle & strife!!!
From, Above for ALL that I LOVE...

A Special plan has been devised just for
U Thoughtful in all U r & do
To walk in true light with every step👣
knowledge of the ✝️Lord w/every breath
U👨👩👧👧 r important without a doubt
For Heaven's Angels😇 ring that shout
Given to U is everything under the sun🌞
No more days to go than when first begun
Add coal to the fire Ur my heart's desire💝
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